Conversions report
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This article includes information about Conversion Events. You can learn more about Conversion Events and understand how our attribution model works in this article.
The Conversions Dashboard in Cookie3 Analytics offers a powerful and comprehensive view of how your marketing efforts and user engagement translate into conversions—both on-chain and off-chain. This dashboard allows you to track conversion events over time, see which events are the most popular, and dive deep into specific metrics to better understand how effective your campaigns are.
By blending traditional web conversions with on-chain activities, you gain a holistic understanding of user behavior across both Web2 and Web3 environments, making it a crucial tool for optimizing your Web3 project’s performance.
Complete Attribution Across Web2 and Web3: The Conversions Dashboard gives you a unified view of how your audience interacts with your platform across both off-chain (traditional web activities) and on-chain (blockchain interactions) events. You can finally understand how users move from a marketing campaign or social media post to completing an on-chain transaction, such as purchasing an NFT or making a token swap.
Real-Time Value Tracking: With Conversion Value reporting, you can see the actual monetary impact of both off-chain and on-chain actions, allowing you to measure the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing efforts. This helps you connect marketing strategies directly to revenue.
Optimize for Maximum Impact: By drilling down into specific conversion events, you can see which channels drive the most conversions. For example, you can identify if users coming from a particular campaign not only convert more but also perform higher-value on-chain actions, such as large token purchases.